Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Installing the Software and Setting up the Hardware
Parameters of the Asbc_SetPsi5Mode API function:
Spi_Channel (Asbc_SpiChannelType) - logical SPI channel number (not physical SPI channel)
Config (Asbc_Psi5ConfigType) input configuration structure of the ASBC PSI5 interface:
Asbc_PSI5Chann1Mode (Asbc_PSI5Chann1ModeType) - PSI5 channel 1 mode - Synchronous SATSYNC
(Steered Mode) or Synchronous TDM Mode
Asbc_PSI5Chann1Enable (Asbc_PSI5Chann1EnableType) - PSI5 channel 1 enable/disable
Asbc_PSI5Chann1SynPuls (Asbc_PSI5Chann1SynPulsType) - PSI5 channel 1 sync pulse enable/disable
Asbc_PSI5Chann2Mode (Asbc_PSI5Chann2ModeType) - PSI5 channel 2 mode - Synchronous SATSYNC
(Steered Mode) or Synchronous TDM Mode
Asbc_PSI5Chann2Enable (Asbc_PSI5Chann2EnableType) - PSI5 channel 2 enable/disable
Asbc_PSI5Chann2SynPuls (Asbc_PSI5Chann2SynPulsType) - PSI5 channel 2 sync pulse enable/disable
Asbc_PSI5Chann3Mode (Asbc_PSI5Chann3ModeType) - PSI5 channel 3 mode - Synchronous SATSYNC
(Steered Mode) or Synchronous TDM Mode
Asbc_PSI5Chann3Enable (Asbc_PSI5Chann3EnableType) - PSI5 channel 3 enable/disable
Asbc_PSI5Chann3SynPuls (Asbc_PSI5Chann3SynPulsType) - PSI5 channel 3 sync pulse enable/disable
Asbc_PSI5Chann4Mode (Asbc_PSI5Chann4ModeType) - PSI5 channel 4 mode - Synchronous SATSYNC
(Steered Mode) or Synchronous TDM Mode
Asbc_PSI5Chann4Enable (Asbc_PSI5Chann4EnableType) - PSI5 channel 4 enable/disable
Asbc_PSI5Chann4SynPuls (Asbc_PSI5Chann4SynPulsType) - PSI5 channel 4 sync pulse enable/disable
Parameters of the Asbc_GetPsi5Status API function:
Spi_Channel (Asbc_SpiChannelType) - logical SPI channel number (not physical SPI channel)
Status (Asbc_Psi5StatusType) output structure containing the status of the ASBC PSI5 interface: - returned parameters
are the same as are described in Asbc_SetPsi5Mode function above
Parameters of the Asbc_SetLinMode API function:
Spi_Channel (Asbc_SpiChannelType) - logical SPI channel number (not physical SPI channel)
Config (Asbc_LinConfigType) input configuration structure of the ASBC LIN bus interface:
Asbc_LinSlewRate (Asbc_LinSlewRateType) - LIN slew rate selection
Asbc_LinRXDMode (Asbc_LinRXDModeType) - RxD output function
Asbc_LinRXOut (Asbc_LinRXOutType) - Rx output selection (for RxD satellite function)
Parameters of the Asbc_GetLinStatus API function:
Spi_Channel (Asbc_SpiChannelType) - logical SPI channel number (not physical SPI channel)
Status (Asbc_LinStatusType) output structure containing the status of the ASBC LIN bus interface:
Asbc_LinSlewRate (Asbc_LinSlewRateType) - LIN slew rate selection
Asbc_LinRXDMode (Asbc_LinRXDModeType) - RxD output function
Asbc_LinRXOut (Asbc_LinRXOutType) - Rx output selection (for RxD satellite function)
Parameters of the Asbc_SetGpo API function:
Spi_Channel (Asbc_SpiChannelType) - logical SPI channel number (not physical SPI channel)
GpoChannel (Asbc_GpoChannelType) - selected GPO pin
GpoPwmDutyCycle (Asbc_GpoPwmDutyCycleType) - output PWM duty cycle
GpoDriverConfig (Asbc_GpoDriverConfigType) - HS/LS driver configuration selection