AT+fileWrite=[fileID],[offset],[format],[length], [data]
or error
fileID :ID assigned from
offset : Offset to specific block
Format : 0=binary, 1=Base64
Length : Number of bytes to write
Table 59: AT+fileWrite
The module allocates memory for data read/write depending on the length field
of the command. If not enough memory can be allocated an error is returned.
We recommend to use a maximum length field of 1460.
8.6. Network application commands
8.6.1. mDNS
The mDNS/DNS-SD is a distributed device/service discovery protocol used for resolving
IP addresses and ports on an IP network. In contrast to standard DNS, mDNS protocol is
distributed where each device can join an IP multicast group and advertise its services. Both
IPv4 and IPv6 are supported with addresses, FF02::FB and UDP port 5353 are
reserved for mDNS messages. Each module can register to up to five services.
By default, the mDNS service is enabled and the host name and the internal
HTTP server are advertised on enabled interfaces.
The mDNS server is not power optimized. It is recommended to disable mDNS
in battery powered applications
Calypso reference manual version 1.2
© April 2019