User’s Manual
16 MHz 8-bit Microcontroller
8KB Flash, 12-bit ADC, Analog Comparator and OP-AMP
User’s Manual Version 1.12
Global Top Smart MCU Innovator
manual targets application developers who use MC97F6108A for their specific needs. This
document provides complete information of how to use MC97F6108A device. Standard functions and
blocks including corresponding register information of MC97F6108A are introduced in each chapter,
while instruction set is in Appendix.
MC97F6108A is based on M8051 core, and provides standard features of 8051 such as 8-bit ALU, PC,
8-bit registers, timers and counters, serial data communication, PSW, DPTR, SP, 8-bit data bus and
2x16-bit address bus, and 8/11/16-bit operations.
In addition, this device offers highly flexible and cost effective solutions with the following peripherals
inside: 8Kbytes of FLASH, 256bytes of IRAM, 256bytes of XRAM, General Purpose I/Os, Basic Interval
Timer, Watchdog Timer, 16-bit timer/counter, 16-bit PWM output, 16-bit PPG output, UART, I2C, 12-bit
A/D Converter, analog comparator, on-chip OP-AMP, buzzer driving port, on-chip POR, LVR, BOD, on-
chip oscillator and clock circuitry.
As a field proven best seller, MC97F6108A has been sold more than 3 billion units up to now, and
introduces rich features such as excellent noise immunity, code optimization, cost effectiveness, and
so on.
Reference document
MC97F6108A programming tools and manuals released by ABOV: They are available at
ABOV website,
51 User’s guide
(System Design Kit) released by Intel in 1982: It contains all of
components of a single-
board computer based on Intel’s 8051 single
-chip microcomputer.
Information on Mentor Graphics 8051 microcontroller: The technical document is provided at