DBS9900 User’s Manual
DBS9900 Programming Examples
82-28993 Revision 01
8 Programming Examples:
8.1 Clock Programming Example:
Set the Sample rate to 324Hz of Time Base and connect to Channel A. Connect External Clock
B to Channel B with the Clock B Threshold set to +1.8V (TTL).
Calculate Time Base Frequency:
1. Fw = 324Hz. Since the frequency is in the range of 95.36598Hz to 6.25MHz select the
LSDIV divider.
2. Calculate LSDIVw = ROUND( (50kHz / 324) * 1/2 * 1/8 * 4000) = 38,580.
3. Calculate Nw = ROUND( (324 / 50kHz) * 2 * 8 * 38,580) = 4000.
4. Program N = 4000, HSDIV = 8, LSDIV = 38,580 and select LSDIV range.
5. Factual = Fpd * Nw / (2 * 8 * LSDIVw) = 324.0021Hz, F
= (324.0021 – 324) / 324 = 6.4ppm
<= .02%.
6. Program R Register: Since the reference frequency Fref = 10MHz and Fpd = 50kHz. R =
Fref / Fpd = 10MHz / 50kHz = 200. Set R = c8h.
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