9. Server Information Setting
Server Information Message
Set the backend server information include Acknowledgement and Heartbeat.
AT+SERVER,<SERVER_ACK>,<ACK_TIMEOUT>,<ACK_Retry_Counter>,<Heartbeat_ interval>
If the ACK is required, device will wait for the ACK and then send next report. If
no ACK is received within <ACK_TIMEOUT> value for <ACK_Retry_Counter> times,
the device will reset wwan module and try the steps again.
0: ACK is not required.
1: ACK is required.
Minimum unit is 1 sec, 0-255, default 10 sec.
0-255, default 5 times.
<Heartbeat_ interval>:
Period in minutes for the device to send heartbeat package message to the
backend server.
0-255, default 0 minute(Disable).
Heartbeat Message Format
Heartbeat is recommended to ensure TCP connection when the time interval of
tracking is set too long. Whenever tha backend server receives a heartbeat package,
it should reply an acknowledgement to device
<Header>: 2 Bytes, it is in ASCII "@Z" (0x40 0x5A).
Header of the package from tracker to server.
The backend server uses the <Seq_Num> extracted from the heartbet package from
the device as the <Seq_Num> in the server acknowledgement of the heartbeat.