Configuration and adjustment variables
Name/Description/Possible values
2010 / 2
Configuration of the analog output
Factory setting: 2
1 = "10U": 0 - 10 V configuration (use terminal AOV)
2 = "0A": 0 - 20 mA configuration (use terminal AOC)
3 = "4A": 4 - 20 mA configuration (use terminal AOC)
2014 / 20
Analog/logic output AOC/AOV
Factory setting: 0
0 = "nO": Not assigned
For the following assignments the output is analog type:
129 = "OCr": Motor current. 20 mA or 10 V corresponds to twice the nominal drive current.
130 = "OFr": Motor frequency. 20 mA or 10 V corresponds to the maximum frequency tFr
132 = "Otr": Motor torque. 20 mA or 10 V corresponds to twice the nominal motor torque.
139 = "OPr": Power supplied by the drive. 20 mA or 10 V corresponds to twice the nominal drive
For the following assignments the output is logic type (see diagram in the Installation Manual):
Note: With these assignments, configure AO1t = 0A.
1 = "FLt": Drive detected fault
2 = "rUn": Drive running
4 = "FtA": Frequency threshold reached (Ftd parameter page
5 = "FLA": High speed (HSP) reached
6 = "CtA": Current threshold reached (Ctd parameter page
7 = "SrA": Frequency reference reached
8 = "tSA": Motor thermal threshold reached (ttd parameter page
9 = "bLC": Brake sequence (for information, as this assignment can be only be activated or
deactivated via the bLC parameter page
12 = "APL": Loss of 4-20 mA signal, even if LFL = nO (page
The logic output is in state 1 (24 V) when the selected assignment is active, with the exception
of FLt (state 1 if no drive has not detected a fault).
2014 / 2
Relay r1
Factory setting: 1
0 = "nO": Not assigned
1 = "FLt": Drive detected fault
2 = "rUn": Drive running
4= "FtA": Frequency threshold reached (Ftd parameter page
5 = "FLA": High speed (HSP) reached
6 = "CtA": Current threshold reached (Ctd parameter page
7 = "SrA": Frequency reference reached
8 = "tSA": Motor thermal threshold reached (ttd parameter page
12 = "APL": Loss of 4-20 mA signal, even if LFL = nO (page
129 = "LI1": Returns the value of LI1.
130 = "LI2": Returns the value of LI2.
131 = "LI3": Returns the value of LI3.
132 = "LI4": Returns the value of LI4.
133 = "LI5": Returns the value of LI5.
134 = "LI6": Returns the value of LI6.
The relay is energized up when the selected assignment is active, with the exception of FLt
(energized if the drive has not detected a fault).