2. Change to the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Dell\EGW3200 Software tools\Application
3. Use the following commands to execute the SIO sample application:
a. To set the watchdog timer:
> superiotest wdtset <time> <mode>
Where time is between 1 to 255, and mode is seconds or minutes.
b. To stop the watchdog timer:
> superiotest wdtstop
c. To get the remaining watchdog time and mode:
> superiotest wdtgettime
d. To get CPU temperature:
> superiotest getcputemp
Digital Input/Output Function of the Intel PCH
The EGW-3200 uses Microsoft’s RHProxy interface for accessing the GPIO pins from PCH chipset. All the necessary changes
are done in the BIOS. For a sample program, the below Microsoft supplied source code can be used.
The EGW-3200 has six DI pins, six DO pins, and three user LEDs. For the pin details and pin numbers to be used for the sample
application, refer the table in
on page 12.
Build the GPIO sample application
Visual Studio 2019 is required for this task. Do download and install, perform the following steps:
1. Select
2. Open
Visual Studio Installer
and click
to customize your installation.
3. Select
Desktop development with C++
4. Select
5. Select
Individual components
, and under
Complier, build tools, and runtimes
, make sure that the following boxes are
a. MSVC v142 -VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 buildtools (latest) is checked.
b. MSVC v142 -VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 Spectre-mitigated libs (latest) is checked.
6. Make sure the SDK is installed. Download and install the corresponding WDK version.
7. Install the latest supported English (en-us) Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packages for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019,
and 2022 from the following URL:
About this task
The sample executable binaries are built with SDK-10.0.19041.685 and WDK-10.0.19041.685 versions. The procedure
may vary slightly if using other versions.
To build the sample application, perform the following steps.
Setting Up the Windows 10 Operating System