TAU-4M.IP Subscriber gateway
URL examples:
http://server.http/$PN/firmware/$MA.frm etc.
It is allowed to omit some URL parameters. For example, the configuration file can be specified in this
If it is impossible to extract all the parameters required for downloading the file from the
configuration or software URL file (protocol, server address or path to the file on the server), an attempt to
extract an unknown parameter from DHCP option 43 (Vendor specific info) or 66 ( TFTP server) and 67 (Boot
file name) will be made, in case when Internet service is set to receive an address using DHCP (the format
and analysis of the DHCP options will be given below). If it is impossible to extract the missing parameter
from the DHCP options, the default value will be used:
For protocol: tftp;
For a server address: update.local;
For a configuration file name tau4m.cfg;
For a firmware file name tau4m.fw;
Thus, if the
'Configuration File'
'Firmware File'
fields are left empty, options 43 or 66, 67 with the
location of these files will not be received via DHCP — the URL of the configuration file will look like:
and the URL of the firmware file:
If 'DHCP options' value is selected, URLs of configuration and firmware files are extracted from DHCP options
43 (Vendor specific info) or 66 (TFTP server) and 67 (Boot file name), for which the Internet service must
be set to receive the address via DHCP (format and analysis of DHCP options will be given below). If it is
not possible to determine any URL parameter from the DHCP options, the default value is used for it:
For protocol: tftp;
For a server address: update.local;
For a configuration file name tau4m.cfg;
For a firmware file name tau4m.fw;
Option 43 format (Vendor specific info)
1 - autoconfiguration by TR-069 protocol server address code;
2–Provisioning code suboption number;
3 - username for authorization on TR-069 server code;
4 - password for authorization on TR-069 server code;
5 - server address code; server address is specified in URL format: tftp://address or http://address. In
the first option, the address of the TFTP server is specified, in the second - HTTP;