- Technical reference - Rev. B
Page 51
Output format for output on RS232 / USB
If a message output is requested for the RS232/USB interface (type = 1), the printer will send
the data to the host with ESC header in the following format:
<ESC> x
<Type> <Index> <size> {Data}
The data output "data" is always formatted in string format (no 0 termination!).
here are three different possibilities:
1. The message contains a string.
The string is printed without further formatting. (example: "Naut324")
2. The message contains an 8-bit value.
It is given as decimal number which will be changed to a
string. The string is printed out. (example: "72")
3. The message contains an 8-bit value representing flags.
This 8-bit value will be printed out as 8 digits "0" resp. "1".
In the middle a space character is added. (example: "0001 0011")
Return data of <Type> and <Index> will have an ASCII-Hex value code
Example: "0" followed by "B" describe the value "11"
Example 1:
The host requests the firmware system string from the printer with the following command:
<ESC> x <Output = 1> <Type = System String = 5> <Index = Firmware= 1>
The printer will answer to the host with the following return data:
<ESC> x <Type = System String = 5> <Index = Firmware= 1> <size = 3> {"127"}
Example 2:
The host requests the number of fonts available in the system from the printer (in the example:
2) with the following command:
<ESC> x <Output = 1> <Type = Font Number= 6> <Message Index = don’t-care = 0>
The printer will answer to the host with the following return data:
<ESC> x <Type = Font Number = 5> <Index = don’t-care = 1> <size = 1> <Font Number ="2">