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N – is a number of a group of sockets, 1 (1..4) or 2 (5..8)
Returned Values
Error (incorrect format of a request or incorrect relay number):
Successful execution of a command:
The first and the only argument is 'error' if a command is not recognized or incorrect number of a group is set
The first argument is 'ok', is the second is a value of a requested parameter
The second argument is a value of a requested parameter: 1 or 2 for a number of the main input, 'on' or 'off' for reserving and autoreturn
Choosing a Main Input
For a forced switching set an alternate input number:
N – is a number of a group of sockets, 1 (1..4) or 2 (5..8)
n – is an input number (1 or 2)
Returned Values
An error is issued when a format of a command is incorrect, a number of a group or an input number (more than 2) is incorrect:
Successful execution of a command:
Switching On/Switching Off Autobackup
Switching on ('on') or switching off ('off') automatic switching to a backup input when a voltage disappears from main input for groups of sockets:
N – is a number of a group of sockets, 1 (1..4) or 2 (5..8)
ats_in_result('ok', 2)
ats_in_result('ok', 'on')