System- und Messelectronic GmbH
Bergstr. 33 86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen Postfach 12 41 D-86908 Diessen Tel. 08196 - 934100
MWS_55_e.indb Page 57
geändert am 04.12.2020 von DO
Manual MWS 55 / MWS 88 / MWS 10 and Sensors 55
If the station gets a HTTP-GET request from the browser at first the IP-address of the sender is
- if this is the Administrator, at first the ADMIN directory is searched for the requested file.
If the file is not found there, next the PRIVILGD directory and at last the HTML root directory
is searched for the requested file.
- if this is a privileged user, at first the PRIVILGD directory and then the HTML root directory
is searched for the requested file.
- if this is a standard user only in the HTML root directory is searched for the requested file.
If the requested file is not found a "404-File not found" error page occurs.
There is an Aministrator set by *
, standard user in the
internal network set by
*ADMIN SET INCLUDE 192.168.100.x [HTTP]
and two privileged
users set by
- If the computer with IP address opens the browser and the station's IP address
is entered there, the browser initiates a HTTP-GET request, i.e. GET / HTTP/1.1.
The station recognizes "/" as landing page "index.htm" and the Administrator's IP address, so at
first the directory ADMIN is searched for "index.htm", then the directory PRIVILGD and at last
the HTML root directory, where there must exist a "index.htm" page.
- If the same request comes from IP address or the search on the
SD card for "index.htm" starts in the directory PRIVILGD and then in HTML root directory.
Each other user from the SUB-net 192.168.101. will see the "index.htm" page from the HTML
root directory.
- Requests from users in other SUB-nets (i.E. 192.168.101.) will not be answered and will get a
time out message from the browser.
For standard user are able to open pics or JAVA scripts in the STYLES or JS directory, in the
ADMIN and / or in the PRIVILGD directory also STYLES and JS folders may be created, which
only can be opened by Administrator or privileged users.