Wake-up time is specified in current time zone. To set
time and period of wake-ups use the following format
(value range is from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59):
- hours
- hours, minutes
- hours, minutes, seconds
Be sure to receive SMS confirmation*:
Timer #<N> configuration is updated:
origin: [origin]
period: [period]
repeats: [repeats]
actions: [W][G][L]
time to next action: [time to next action]
By default the timers are configured as follows:
1234 set t1 W 00:00 1 24
Timer №1
is set for wake-up every 1 hour
and waiting for owner’s SMS-commands
1234 set t2 G 12:00 0 0
Timer №2
is set for wake-up every day at
12:00 (UTC), GPS-coordinates definition
and waiting for owner’s SMS-commands
See the timer configuration example:
We want to set Timer №1 to wake up at 00:00 and
to add two additional wake-ups in 3 hours intervals.
Upon wake-up the tracker should define current car
location, send GPS-coordinates via SMS message and
wait for 10 minutes for user’s commands.
SMS commands
SMS message
1234 set t1 G 0 3 2
1234 set t1 G 00:00 03:00 2
1234 set t1 G 00:00:00 03:00:00 2
Timer #1 configuration is updated:
origin: 00:00:00 UTC
period: 03:00:00
repeats: 2
actions: G
time to next action: 02:00:59