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Set the NS retransmission
ipv6 nd ns retrans-timer
By default, the local interface sends
NS messages at 1000 ms intervals,
and the value of the Retrans Timer
field in RA messages sent by the
local interface is 0.
Set the reachable time
ipv6 nd nud reachable-time
By default, the neighbor reachable
time on the local interface is 30000
ms, and the value of the Reachable
Time field in the RA messages sent
by the local interface is 0.
The maximum interval for sending RA messages should be less than or equal to the router
lifetime in RA messages, so that the router can be updated through an RA message before
In VRRP networking, the source MAC address in an NA message is always different from
that in the link layer address option at present, and therefore the consistency check on the
MAC address of ND packets cannot be enabled.
Configuring the Maximum Number of Attempts to Send an NS Message for DAD
An interface sends an NS message for duplicate address detection after acquiring an IPv6
address. If the interface does not receive a response within a specified time (determined by the
ipv6 nd ns retrans-timer
command), it continues to send an NS message. If it still does not
receive a response after the number of sent attempts reaches the specified threshold, the
acquired address is considered usable.
Follow these steps to configure the attempts to send an NS message for DAD:
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