(1)Reserved a free table
[Table booked key]---[Table No.] (Free Table)---[Table Booked key]---[Table Booked key]
(2)Unreserved a booked table
[Table booked key]--- [Table No.] (Reserved Table No.)--- [Table Booked key]--- [VOID key]
Note: You must unreserved a Booked table when your reserved customer come here,
otherwise you can't use the table.
15.14 Associated table and the Unassociated table
(1)Associated table
[Union table key] (#096 key) --- [Table No. A] (father table) --- [Table key] (#076 key)
--- [Table No. B] (union table) --- [Table key] --- [Table No. C] (union table)
--- [Table key] --- [Table key]
Note: If you want to union other TABLEs again, you must union the TABLEs to Table
No. C. For example:
[Union table key] (#096 key)--- [Table No. C] --- [Table key] (#076 key) --- [Table No. D]
— --- [Table key] --- [Table No. E] --- [Table key] --- [Table key]
Note: The union TABLEs must be BUSY first, you can't union the free TABLEs.
(2)Unassociated a table
[Union table key] (#096 key)---[Union table key] (#096 key)--- [Table No. A] (Unassociated
table No.) --- [Table key] (#076 key) --- [VOID key]
Unassociated Table No. A from union Tables. You can only unassociated a table one time.
If you don't want unassociated the union table before press VOID key, you can press CL
key cancel the procedure. For example:
[Union table key] (#096 key)--- [Union table key] (#096 key)--- [Table No. A] (Unassociated
table No.)---[Table key] (#076 key)---[CL key]