RD4 CANopen®
3105-00 Current velocity value
[Integer16, ro]
This object shows the value of the current speed.
object is contained in the PDO messages sent by the Slave (see further
details in the section “7.6 PDO messages” on page 37). Parameter is expressed in
pulses per second.
3106-00 Target position
[Integer32, rw]
This object defines the target position, otherwise referred to as commanded
parameter is used to edit PDO messages
received by the Slave (see further details in the section “7.6 PDO messages” page
3107-00 Target speed
[Integer32, ro]
This object shows the value of the theoretical speed used by the device for
generating the position trajectory. Parameter is expressed in pulses per second.
310B-00 Position following error
[Integer32, ro]
This object contains the difference between the target position and the current
position step by step. If this value is greater than the one set in the object
, then the alarm
and the unit stops.
3110-00 Cyclic Time
[Unsigned16, rw]
is used in asynchronous work mode and sets the interval
between two PDO transmissions.
If the value next to this object
0, the PDO message is
sent cyclically and the interval between two messages is the time set here;
otherwise, if the value next to this object
message is sent only at each status exchange (see object
) and/or position exchange (see object
3103-00 Current position value
and/or velocity exchange (see object
3105-00 Current velocity value
); in this
case the minimum interval between two PDO transmissions is set next to the
Inhibit Time
object 1800h sub 3.
MAN RD4 CB E 1.5
Programming parameters
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