PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH 2008 L-720e_0
Setting the brightness of the image
void Set_Brightness(WORD nDevNo, short nBright);
brightness of the image (-128..127)
This function specifies the value in the register for the brightness in
the video processor. The value is a constant added to the brightness of
a single pixel. This brightness can be varied from –50 % to +49.6 %.
One LSB corresponds to a change in brightness of 0.39 %:
nBright =
2.5601 [1/%]
Reading the brightness setting
short Get_Brightness(WORD nDevNo);
return value: Content of the register holding the value for brightness in
the video processor.
With this function you can ascertain the actual brightness parameter of
the video processor.
Setting the contrast
void Set_Contrast(WORD nDevNo, WORD nContr);
contrast (0..511)
This function specifies the contrast of the image. The contrast is a
constant factor, which is multiplied in the video processor
(corresponding to the scaling) with the brightness of the pixel. The
factor has a range of 0 % to 236.57 % :
nContr =
contrast [%]
2,1598 [1/%]