2022/07/05 14:37 (UTC)
Installing Slackware on the RockPro64
SlackDocs - https://docs.slackware.com/
CPU fan speed
The CPU fan speed is controlled statically during boot. By default it'll set the speed to '65' which is the
lowest speed. If you want to change this:
As root, edit the Hardware Model run control configuration file:
# vi /etc/rc.d/rc.platform.conf # or substitute 'vi' for your favourite
Within that configuration you'll find examples. Uncomment and set accordingly and reboot.
NTP (Network Time Protocol) setup
If your RockPro64 does not have an RTC battery backup, you may wish to configure it to
Keeping the Slackware OS up to date
One of the preferred tools to keep your system up to date is
Upgrading the Kernel: in Slackware x86/64 manual steps are required after
upgrading the Kernel packages. In Slackware ARM, you simply upgrade the Kernel
packages and reboot.
Use a graphical login manager
If you prefer to use a graphical login manager, you can configure the default runlevel as 4:
su -
sed -i 's?id:3:?id:4:?g' /etc/inittab
Customising the Slackware Linux Kernel
If you'd like to customise the Linux Kernel, the easiest way is to follow the
Slackware ARM Kernel build script to create new packages.
Reducing Boot Time
Slackware ARM ships with a generic OS InitRD (Operating System Initial RAM Disk - the environment
that prepares the machine to boot the Operating System Proper), so as to support a wide range of