2022/07/05 14:37 (UTC)
Installing Slackware on the RockPro64
SlackDocs - https://docs.slackware.com/
Now that the Boot Loader has been installed to the RockPro64's SPI flash, we will install the Slackware
Installer image onto the same MicroSD card.
Remove the MicroSD card from the RockPro64
Insert the MicroSD card back into the Host Computer (as in the earlier section)
Elevate yourself to root
On your Host Computer, obtain root:
The # prefix indicates that you're using the root user
$ su - ## Note the hyphen - it's required
Write the Slackware Installer to the Micro SD card
Follow the instructions in the previous section to determine which block device name it occupies.
Typically the block device will remain the same (in this tutorial it's /dev/sdc) but you
should verify each time using lsblk.
The # prefix indicates that you're using the root user - it's not to be typed in!
Enter the directory into which the Slackware assets were downloaded previously:
# cd /home/mozes/slackware
# xzcat rk3399_generic.sdimg_latest.img.xz > /dev/sdc ## Replace /dev/sdc
with the correct block device
# sync
# exit
Remove the MicroSD card from the Host Computer
You may now disconnect the USB adapter from the Host Computer and remove the MicroSD card.
Start the installation media server
We will direct the Slackware Installer to download the packages from a web server that we'll run
temporarily on your Linux Host Computer.