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Configuring the Whitewater Gateway
Whitewater Installation Guide
Whitewater User’s Guide
provide full details for requirements and installation of the
Whitewater gateway. The configuration is broken down into the following activities:
Configuring the Whitewater Management Interface
Connecting to the Whitewater Management Console
Configuring Whitewater Gateway Licenses
Configuring Whitewater Data Interfaces
Configuring Cloud Settings
Configuring a CIFS Share
Configuring the Whitewater Management Interface
After you install and start the Whitewater appliance, connect to the Whitewater CLI to configure the management interface:
1. If you are using a virtual Whitewater gateway, connect directly to the console session using the VMware vSphere client and skip
to step 3. If you are using a physical Whitewater gateway, plug the serial cable into the Console port and a terminal.
2. Start your terminal emulation program, such as Tera Term Pro. The terminal device must have the following settings:
Baud rate: 9600 bps
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
vt100 emulation
No flow control
Note: If you are using Whitewater with a terminal server, the terminal server must use hardware flow control for the port connected
to Whitewater.
3. Log in as an administrator user (admin) and enter the default password (password):
login as: admin
password: password
4. The configuration wizard automatically starts after you have entered the login and default password. Enter
at the system
prompt to begin the configuration wizard. For example:
Do you want to use the configuration wizard for initial configuration? yes
5. Complete the configuration wizard steps on the client side and server side:
Description Example
Step 1: Host name?
Enter the host name for Whitewater.
Step 1: Hostname? Amnesiac
Step 2: Use DHCP on the
primary interface?
You are given the option to enable the DHCP to automatically assign an IP address to
the primary interface for Whitewater. Riverbed recommends that you do not set DHCP.
The default value is no.
Step 2: Use DHCP? no
Step 3: Primary IP address?
Enter the IP address for Whitewater.
Step 3: Primary IP address?
Step 4: Netmask?
Enter the netmask address.
Step 4: Netmask?
Step 5: Default gateway?
Enter the default gateway for Whitewater.
Step 5: Default gateway?
Step 6: Primary DNS server?
Enter the primary DNS server IP address. You must specify the primary DNS server
for cloud provider name resolution. If you do not specify a valid DNS server, the
system will not start.
Step 6: Primary DNS server?
Step 7: Domain name?
Enter the domain name for the network where Whitewater is to reside. If you set a
domain name, you can enter host names in the system without the domain name.
Step 7: Domain name? example.com
Step 8: Admin password?
Riverbed strongly recommends that you change the default administrator password
(password) at this time. The new password must be a minimum of 6 characters.
Step 8: Admin password? xxxyyy
6. To log out of the system, enter the following command at the system prompt:
amnesiac> exit