4th byte, bit 8
Arrange a 2nd bit header at the end of the input and output buffers.
4th byte, bit 7
Display state of the digital input in the bit header of the input buffers.
4th byte, bit 2
Reset the BIS C-60_1 processor through the digital input.
5th byte, bit 5
Dynamic mode on read/write head 2
(for effects on read/write times, see
5th byte, bit 4
Activate Auto-Read function starting at specified address after CT-Present
for Head 2 (the amount data read is 6 bytes for a double bit header or
7 bytes for a single bit header).
Function Description
Configuring the BIS C-60_1 processor
Bit state: 0 = no
1 = yes
Reading and writing
To carry out a read or write job, the data carrier must be located in the active zone of the
read/write head.
A read/write job has the following sequence (see examples on
1. The host sends to the output buffer:
– the command designator to subaddress 01
– the start address for reading or writing to subaddress 02
– the number of bytes for reading or writing to subaddress 04
– the CT bit according to the data carrier type (block size),
– and sets the AV bit in the bit header to high.
2. The processor:
takes the request (AA in the bit header of the input buffer to high),
begins to transport the data;
read = from data carrier to input buffer,
write = from output buffer to data carrier.
Larger data quantities are sent in blocks:
block size of 6 bytes with 2nd bit header,
block size of 7 bytes without 2nd bit header.
The toggle bits in the two bit headers are used as a kind of handshaking between the
host and the BIS C-60_1 processor.
3. The processor has processed the command correctly (AE bit in the bit header of the input
buffer). If an error occurred during execution of the command, an error number will be
written to subaddress 01
of the input buffer and the AF bit in the bit header of the input
buffer will be set.
Function Description
Processing data carrier