6 Take STEP 7 into operation
6.6 Adding SmartWire-DT® modules later on
SmartWire-DT Gateway EU5C-SWD-DP
01/13 MN120001Z-EN
6.6 Adding SmartWire-DT® modules later on
If you are not sure of the final SWD topology and may wish to add SWD
modules at a later time, adding a placeholder (empty module) in the appropri-
ate position in the SWD line is recommended. This is also useful in STEP 7
since the HW Config tool does not allow the adding of modules between
occupied module locations.
Position the permanent SWD modules in the correct order and add the
placeholder (reserved place for expansion) at the required position. A
wildcard reserves a SWD module address for a module to be added
Save the project and then transfer it to the PLC. Then switch the PLC to
RUN mode.
After the DP configuration is received from the PLC, the SWD gateway
addresses the modules automatically taking the placeholder into account.
6.7 Acyclical data communication
SWD modules such as the PKE-SWD-32 module for the electronic motor-
protective circuit-breaker also supply acyclical data in addition to the cyclical
data. The function blocks SFB52 RDREC (read record) and SFB53 WRREC
(write record) are used in STEP7 for reading and writing acyclical data. The
reference to the required module is implemented with these function blocks
via the parameters "ID" and "Index".
The input address of the SmartWire-DT module with which communication
is to be established is set at the parameter "ID". The "Index" parameter
addresses the V1 object. The first object is assigned number 1, the second 2
etc. On the SWD module PKE-SWD-32, the object 1 supplies the current
value "I
Refer to the STEP 7 documentation for further information on
handling these function blocks.