Virtex-6 FPGA System Monitor
UG370 (v1.1) June 14, 2010
System Monitor Calibration
Calibration Coefficients
The calibration coefficients are stored in the status registers at the DRP address locations
shown in
The offset calibration registers store the offset correction factor for the supply sensor and
ADC. The offset correction factor is a 10-bit, two’s complement number and is expressed in
Similar to other status registers, the 10-bit values are MSB justified in the registers.
For example, if the supply sensor has an offset of +5 LSBs (approximately
5 x 3 mV = 15 mV), then the offset coefficient records –5 LSBs or
, and Status register
1111 1110 11XX XXXXb
For the ADC offset, 1 LSB is approximately equal to 1 mV.
The ADC gain calibration coefficient stores the correction factor for any gain error in the
ADC. The correction factor is stored in the six LSBs of register
. These six bits store both
sign and magnitude information for the gain correction factor. If the sixth bit is a logic 1,
then the correction factor is positive. If it is 0, then the correction factor is negative.
The next five bits store the magnitude of the gain correction factor. Each bit is equivalent to
0.1%. For example., if the ADC has a positive gain error of +1% (see
then the gain calibration coefficient records –1% (the –1% correction applied to cancel the
+1% error). Since the correction factor is negative, the sixth bit is set to zero. The remaining
magnitude bits record 1%, where 1% = 10 x 0.1% and 10 =
binary. The Status
0000 0000 0000 1010
. With five bits assigned to the magnitude,
the calibration can correct errors in the range ± 0.1% x (2
– 1), or ± 3.1%.
Calibration Example
shows an ADC transfer function containing offset-and-gain errors (red dashed
line). The ideal transfer function is shown as a dashed black line. The ADC transfer
function has the form of y = m.x + c (linear). Offset is defined as the ADC output code
when the input is 0V (where the transfer function crosses the y axis). This offset is removed
by digitally subtracting this offset. The result of this offset calibration is shown in
by the blue dashed line.
Table 18:
Calibration Coefficient Registers
Status Register
Coefficient Description
Supply Sensor Offset
ADC Offset
ADC Gain Error