User Manual
Slam Stick User Manual
Version No. 2.0
when calling the function. For the vibration example recoding from the car engine, the script
takes about 10 seconds to load the data, apply calibration, plot all data, and compute and plot
FFTs, PSDs, and spectrograms. The code is fairly well commented to help run a user through how
all this is being done.
This function uses the command line utility raw2mat to take an .IDE file and convert it to .MAT,
then calls the SSL_Analyzer function to apply calibration and plot the data. This function then
goes on to save the calibrated data in a .MAT file with all sensor data. In a subdirectory the script
also saves separate .MAT files for each sub-channel with just an array with two columns: first
column is time data, second is calibrated sensor values. The array is named SS_data.