3.1 Parameter data block
FC 45
Function manual, Release 03/2006 , J31069-D0167-U001-A2-7618
Indicates the presence of an MDS in the write/read device's transmission window.
ANZ_MDS_present is only indicated when the INPUT parameter MDS_control (see Section
"INPUT parameters") was set by the user.
Remember that when an init_run is being executed, the ANZ_MDS_present indication
disappears briefly even when an MDS is permanently located in the transmission window.
The last command executed was a command interruption (cancel). The bit is set when the
ASM indicates a cancel acknowledgment with the cyclic word (see Section "Cyclic control
word between master and MOBY-ASM"). The bit is reset automatically when a new command
is started.
MOBY I only:
When the ECC driver is on (INPUT parameter "ECC mode" = TRUE), the bit indicates that the
data read by the MDS have been corrected. ANZ_ECC is
an error message since the
data are okay. ANZ_ECC is an indication that the MDS memory just processed may soon fail
Not used at this time
This bit only applies when MDS is used with MOBY I. It indicates that a dialog battery of the
MDS507 is dead. With all other MDSs, this bit can assume any state.
Only with MOBY I/V with RAM-MDS:
The back-up battery of the RAM-MDS is below the threshold value. Although, at room
temperature, it will continue functioning with its remaining capacity for several months, we
recommend changing the MDS's battery immediately or, when its battery cannot be changed,
replacing the entire MDS.
FC 45 sets this bit if a command is terminated abnormally. The error bit is the checksum error
bit for all errors which occur. The exact cause of the error is stored in variable error_ MOBY,
error_FC or error_BUS (see Section "Further displays" and Section "Error messages and
troubleshooting"). The error bit is reset when a command is restarted.
Ready message: error bit = FALSE must be checked after ready = TRUE is signaled. This
ensures that the command was executed normally.
The ready bit does not need to be set in order to start init_run or cancel.