Total Receive Errors – COM1 only (0x0024)
A read indicates the total number of MODBUS COM1 receive errors in the FL4000. The
maximum count is 65535, after which the counter resets to zero and begins counting anew.
CRC Errors Low – COM1 and COM2 (0x0025)
A read indicates the total number of COM1 or COM2 CRC low byte errors in the FL4000. The
maximum count is 65535, after which the counter resets to zero and begins counting anew.
CRC Errors Hi – COM1 and COM2 (0x0026)
A read indicates the number of COM1 and COM2 CRC Hi byte errors that occurred in the
FL4000. The maximum count is 65535, after which the counter resets to zero and begins
counting anew.
Total Overrun Errors – COM1 only (0x0027)
A read indicates the number of COM1 Overrun Errors that occurred in the FL4000. The
maximum count is 65535, after which the counter resets to zero and begins counting anew.
An overrun error occurs when a subsequent received data byte overwrites an earlier
unprocessed data byte. As a result, one of the received data bytes will be corrupted.
Total Framing Errors – COM1 and COM2 (0x0029)
A read indicates the number of Comm 1 and Comm 2 Framing Errors that occurred in the
FL4000. The maximum count is 65535, after which the counter resets to zero and begins
counting anew.
Clear Communication Errors (0x002D)
A read indicates the total number of MODBUS communication errors. The maximum count is
65535, after which the counter resets to zero and begins counting anew. A write resets this
value to 0. Only a write of value “0” is allowed for this register.
COM2 Address (0x002F)
A read returns the COM2 address of the FL4000. A write changes the address to the requested
number. The range of the address is from 1 to 247 (01 to F7 in Hex). After changing the
address of the FL4000, it will be necessary for the controlling or master device to similarly
change its query address in order to once again communicate with the FL4000.
By grounding the RESET input during the power-up cycle (approximately 10 seconds),
the address of the FL4000 will default to 1.
COM2 Baud Rate (0x0030)
A read returns the COM2 baud rate of the FL4000. A write changes the baud rate to the
requested level. After changing the baud rate of the FL4000, it will be necessary for the
controlling or master device to similarly change its own baud rate in order to once again
communicate with the FL4000.
By grounding the RESET input during the power-up cycle (approximately 10 seconds),
the baud rate of the FL4000 will default to 19.2K. Valid settings are shown in Table 33