SnapSAN S3000/S5000 Path Manager Linux User Guide
10400424-002 04/2013
©2013 Overland Storage, Inc.
By using -v suboption, displays in detail.
spsadmin --mode
Displays the settings shown below.
Cluster mode (Enable / Disable)
Intermittent Error Monitoring mode (Enable / Disable)
spsadmin --rollback target
Sets the path state (active / standby) of the logical unit specified in target into the initial
spsadmin --standby [-v] target
Sets the path specified in target into standby.
By using -v option, checks whether the specified target can change to standby.
The actual state of specified path does not change when using -v suboption.
spsadmin --version
Displays the versions of PathManager RPM packages.
Utility package
Driver package
Mcoption package (if installed)
spsadmin --suspend target
Sets the path specified in target into a reserve (RSV) state.
spsadmin --resume target
Restores the path specified in target from a reserve (RSV) state.
spsadmin --scan
Scans the devices and the paths on the system.
[How to specify target]
The argument "target" accepts four types of specifying.
SCSI address description
This type is described with four items which are HostNo, Cannel number, TargetID,
Logical unit number.
Specify the each item dividing by colon as shown below.
Each item is omissible. Omitted items are treated as wildcards.
For example, the following expression means the all paths whose HostNo is 3 and
Channel number is 0.
And the following one means All the paths managed by PathManager.
And the following format can be accepted. Omitted items are treated as wildcards.
--host 3 --channel 0 --id 0 --ldn 1