© 2003 - 2005 Sipura Technology, Inc
Proprietary (See Copyright Notice on Page 2)
<day> =
= 1, 2, 3, …, 7 (for Mon, Tue, …, Sun), or 0 which has special meaning
HH =
hour (0-23)
mm =
minute (0-59)
ss =
second (0-59)
<start-time> and <end-time> specify the start and end time-date of daylight saving time and <save-time>
is the amount of hour/min/sec to add to the current time during daylight saving period. The <save-time>
value can be preceded by a negative (-) sign if subtraction is desired instead of addition.
If <weekday> is 0, it means the date to start or end daylight saving is at exactly the given date. In that
case, the <day> value must not be negative. If <weekday> is not zero, then the daylight saving starts or
ends on the <weekday> on or after the given date if <day> is positive, or on or before the given date if
<day> is negative. If <day> is –1, it means the <weekday> on or before the end-of-the-month (in other
words the last occurrence of < weekday> in that month).
Optional values inside [ ] are assumed to be 0 if they are not specified. Midnight means 0:0:0 of the given
Example 1:
Starts at midnight on 1
Sunday of April; ends at midnight on the last Sunday of October; add 1 hour
(USA, N. America). Below are all equivalent rules:
Example 2:
Starts at midnight on last Sunday of April; ends at midnight on the last Sunday of September; add 1 hour
Example 3:
Starts at midnight on first Sunday of October; ends at midnight on the 3rd Sunday of March; add 1 hour
(New Zealand):
(New Zealand)
Checking Phone Status
Besides the Info group on the web page, the Phone GUI has a Status menu where one can check the
current status of the phone.