Vishay Micro-Measurements
System 7000 Programmer’s Reference Manual
Page 79 of 142
Scanning Configuration ConfigureScan Method
HRESULT _stdcall SetScanRate(in long CardNo, in long ScanRate, int long ScanMask, int long
BufferSize, in long StopCount, out retval long * result );
Configures the scanning parameters including the scan rate and the scan buffer size. It also
defines the scan list for a card. This is the list of channel numbers from which data will be
acquired during scanning.
The card number (1-16).
The scan rate, in scans per second. Valid values are:
2000, 1000 (default), 500, 200, 100, 10
2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64
The scan mask for the cards. Decoded as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit
Set to 0
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Channel (1=include in scan
list, 0 = exclude from scan list)
(For example, to include channels 2 and 7 the mask would be 0x42
(0b01000010) (Default: 00).
The scan buffers size in scans. (Range: 20,000 to 645,276, Default: 645,276)
The number of scans to acquire before scanning is automatically stopped by the
card. A value of 0 indicates that scanning will not stop automatically. This
value should be the same for all cards.(Range: 0 to 4294967295, Default: 0)
0 if Successful, otherwise an Error Code
Lower scan rates should set the scan buffer to a smaller number to minimize the risk of lost data
due to the buffer not being flushed in the event of a catastrophic failure. Higher scan rates must
be set to a higher value.
The scan buffer size impacts the maximum size of the recording “pre-trigger” buffers. The pre-
trigger buffers can be no larger than the scan buffer size.