Vishay Micro-Measurements
System 7000 Programmer’s Reference Manual
Page 46 of 142
if (inFile.Read(inByte, 0, 2) == 0) throw new System.ApplicationException();
scanID = (ulong)((ulong)inByte[0] | ((ulong)inByte[1] << 8));
else if (scanIDSize == 02)
// read in a 32-bit (4 byte) scan id
if (inFile.Read(inByte, 0, 4) == 0) throw new System.ApplicationException();
scanID = (ulong)((ulong)(inByte[0] | ((ulong)inByte[1]) << 8) |
((ulong)inByte[2] << 16) | ((ulong)inByte[3] << 24));
else if (scanIDSize == 03)
// read in a 48-bit (6 byte) scan id
if (inFile.Read(inByte, 0, 6) == 0) throw new System.ApplicationException();
scanID = (ulong)((ulong)(inByte[0] |((ulong)inByte[1]) << 8) |
((ulong)inByte[2] << 16) | ((ulong)inByte[3] << 24) |
((ulong)inByte[4] << 32) | ((ulong)inByte[5] << 40));
// Invalid scan ID size
throw new System.ApplicationException();
// If group A data is recorded
// Write the scan ID to the console
// Note: This example is only supporting group A, expand
// this statement to reflect the number of groups you're supporting.
if (groupARecorded == 01)
// write the 64-bit scan id to the console window
// If groupA is recorded, read a value for each channel in the group
if (groupARecorded == 01)
for (int i = 0; i < numChannelsinGroupA; i++)
// if a relative (8-bit) data type
if (dataType == 0)
// we are reading in a 1-byte relative value, add it to the current value
groupAValue[i] = groupAValue[i] + (sbyte)inFile.ReadByte();
if (absDataSize == 0)
// absolute data size is 16 bits so read 2 bytes from file
if (inFile.Read(inByte, 0, 2) == 0) throw new System.ApplicationException();
groupAValue[i] = (int)((int)inByte[0] | ((int)inByte[1] << 8));
// absolute data size is 32 bits so read 4 bytes from file
if (inFile.Read(inByte, 0, 4) == 0) throw new System.ApplicationException();
groupAValue[i] = (int)((int)inByte[0] | ((int)inByte[1] << 8) |
((int)inByte[2] << 16) | ((int)inByte[3] << 24));
// Write the 32-bit data value to the console window
} // end for
}// end if group A recorded
if (groupBRecorded == 01)
// not shown in this sample
if (groupCRecorded == 01)
// not shown in this sample
if (groupDRecorded == 01)
// not shown in this sample
} // end while