Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Basic Function Commands
Vector Modulation Subsystem—N5172B/82B ([:SOURce]:IQ)
This value allows diagnostic control of additive noise. The intended purpose of this feature is to allow
direct measurement of just the signal or noise contribution to the total power (assuming that the
ALC is off). The system will still behave as if both the noise and the signal are present on the output
when it comes to determining the Auto Modulation Attenuation and the RMS level for RMS Power
The sum of both the noise and the signal will be output from the internal
baseband generator.
Only the signal will be output from the internal baseband generator.
Only noise will be output from the internal baseband generator.
Key Entry
Output Mux
N5172B with Option 653 or 655, N5182B with Option 656 or 657
[:SOURce]:IQ:OUTPut:IMPairments:AWGN:POWer:CONTrol[:MODE] TOTal|SIGNal|NOISe|NCHannel
Sets the mode of power control while noise is on.
The total power and SNR are independent variables and the signal power, channel
noise power, and total noise power are dependent variables set by the total power,
SNR and the rest of the noise settings. The signal power, channel noise power, and
total noise power will change as any noise parameter is adjusted to keep the total
power and the SNR at their last specified values.
The signal power and SNR are independent variables and the total power, channel
noise power, and total noise power are dependent variables set by the signal
power, SNR and the rest of the noise settings. The total power, channel noise
power, and total noise power will change as any noise parameter is adjusted to
keep the signal power and the SNR at their last specified values.
The total noise power and SNR are independent variables and the total power,
channel noise power, and signal power are dependent variables set by the total
noise power, SNR and the rest of the noise settings. The total power, channel
noise power, and signal power will change as any noise parameter is adjusted to
keep the total noise power and the SNR at their last specified values.
The channel noise power and SNR are independent variables and the total power,
total noise power, and signal power are dependent variables set by the channel
noise power, SNR and the rest of the noise settings. The total power, total noise
power, and signal power will change as any noise parameter is adjusted to keep
the channel noise power and the SNR at their last specified values.
Key Entry
Power Control Mode