Agilent X-Series Signal Generators SCPI Command Reference
Arb Commands
Dual ARB Subsystem–N5172B/82B ([:SOURce]:RADio:ARB)
This command sets the sample clock rate for the dual ARB format. When the Modulation Filter is
active, the Sample Clock Rate is actually the Symbol Rate and is limited from 100 Hz to half of the
maximum sample rate as shown in the range table below.
The variable <value> is expressed in units of hertz.
(with Option 653)
(with Option 655)
(with Option 656)
(with Option 657)
Key Entry
ARB Sample Clock
[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:SEQuence[:MWAVeform] <filename>,<waveform1>,<reps>,NONE|M1|M2|
[:SOURce]:RADio:ARB:SEQuence[:MWAVeform]? <filename>
This command creates a waveform sequence. A waveform sequence is made up of segments and other
sequences. Any number of segments, up to a segment count limit of 1024, can be used to create a
sequence. The count limit is determined by the number of segments in the waveform sequence.
Repeated segments are included in the count limit.
For example, using the figure below, suppose a waveform is created using two sequences: Sequence_A
and Sequence_B. Sequence_A consists of Sequence_B and Segment_Q with Sequence_B repeated four
times. The total segment count for this waveform sequence would be eleven.
Option 653
: 1 Hz to 75MHz
Option 655
: 1 Hz to 150MHz
Option 656
: 1 Hz to 100 MHz
Option 657
: 1 Hz to 200 MHz