In the initial settings, the debugger is set to the interrupt disable mode. The interrupt enable mode can
also be set in the dialog box displayed by selecting [Setting...] from the [Run] menu.
(4) Precautions to be observed when single-stepping C sources
When single-stepping a program in C source display mode, the program is basically executed one
source line at a time. However, source lines that do not have the corresponding object code, or lines
without user sources (e.g., functions automatically generated by inline assembler or compiler) are
skipped until the next line is reached that has effective object code. Accordingly, the number of steps
executed varies depending on how C statements are written.
for(x=0; x<10; x++) a[x]=x;
... Executed in one step.
for(x=0; x<10; x++)
... 20 steps need to be executed before exiting the for statement.
Execution options
Four options are available for program execution. To select one of these options, use the dialog box
that appears when [Setting...] is selected from the [Run] menu.
(3) Interrupts during single-stepping
The CPU is placed in a standby mode when the halt or slp instruction is executed. An interrupt is
required to cancel this mode.
The debugger has a mode to enable or disable an external interrupt for use in single-step operation.
Table External interrupt modes
External interrupt
halt and slp instructions
Enable mode
Interrupt is processed.
Executed as the halt instruction.
Processing is continued by an
external interrupt or clicking on
the [Key Break] button.
Disable mode
Interrupt is not processed.
The halt and slp instructions are
replaced with a nop instruction as
the instruction is executed.
Run Monitor Interval
Set the display update interval in 100 ms increments when
selecting "short break mode" as the [Watch] window update
mode. This interval can be set from 1 (= 100 ms, default) to
10 (= 1 second).
Single Step Mode
Choose whether to enable or disable interrupts while
single-stepping a program. (See Table To enable
interrupts, select (check) the check box.
Watch/Local repaint
Set the [Watch] window's update mode. The default real-
time mode ([with Real Time] selected) is provided for
running programs in real time. In this mode, the [Watch]
window is updated after a break in program execution. In
short break mode (with [Short Break] selected), the contents
displayed in the window are updated at intervals set by
[Run Monitor Interval]. In this mode, however, program
execution is temporarily suspended so that display can be
updated. Therefore, programs cannot be run in real time.
Run-time measurement base
The ICE contains a 31-bit execution cycle counter, allowing you to measure the time and number of
bus cycles in which a program was run continuously. The run time here can be measured in units of 1
s (default) or 62.5 ns as selected with this option. Bus cycles can be counted up to 2,147,483,647 cycles
0 error).