CHAPTER 12 88xxx.par FILE
12.2 Description of the Parameters
The parameters (1) to (4) are system reserved items, so do not modify their settings. Parameter (5) and the
following parameters are used to set the memory allocations and memory conditions.
General format:
Map<Serial number> = <Start address> <End address> <Switch>
Serial number
The Map parameter must have a serial number within the range from 0 to 1023.
The serial numbers must not be specified in a special order.
If a number is duplicated, the parameter set first is enabled and the others are disabled.
Address settings
Addresses can be set in byte units for the range from 000000 to 00FFFF. Areas exceeding 010000
should be done using 256 byte units. (
The following five letters are available for specifying <Switch>: E, I, U, S and W.
• Switches for allocating memories (E, I, U switches)
The I switch allocates the specified address area to the memory on the S5U1C88xxxP board.
The E switch allocates the specified area to the emulation memory on the ICE.
The U switch allocates the specified area to the user’s memory on the target board.
• Switch for setting stack area (S switch)
The S switch sets the specified area as a stack area.
• Write-protect switch/specifying ROM area (W switch)
The W switch sets the specified area as a ROM area that cannot be written. When an area is specified
without the W switch, the ICE will regard it as a RAM area.
The ICE identifies a line that begins with a semicolon (;) as a comment line. Comments cannot be
placed following parameters.
;Internal ROM
... OK
Map0=000000 00EFFF EW ;internal ROM
... NG
12.3 Emulation Memory
The ICE has built-in a 64KB emulation memory for the memory space from 000000 to 00FFFF and a
512KB emulation memory in S5U1C88000H5 or a 256KB emulation memory in S5U1C88000H3 that can be
used as an expanded memory area exceeding address 010000. The emulation memory allows the user to
use it as a memory that will be connected externally in the actual product. Thus it is not necessary to
mount the external memory on the target board to develop the program. However, prepare the external
memory on the target board when developing a product that needs a larger memory than 512KB at a
location exceeding address 010000.
• It is therefore necessary to edit the path description in the ice88
.ini (
= r or ur) file located in the
Windows system folder. When the 88xxx.par file exists in the same folder as the ice88
.exe file, only
the file name part should be modified.
Installation of ICE88
for Windows makes the default.par file in the same folder as the ice88
.exe file
installed and sets the path information in the ice88
.ini file so that the debugger will refer to the
default.par file.
• The parameters (1) to (4) must be described in the part that begins with an [Options] line and the
parameters following (5) must be described after the [MAP Config] line. Do not delete [Options] and
[MAP Config].