When using Advanced Locator alc88
When using alc88, make the following settings for locator options and in the section editor.
1. Deselect the [Disable branch optimize] check box on the [Locator Options] tab screen.
The following settings must be made using the section editor:
2. Deselect the [Disable Making DELFEE] check box.
3. Choose the mode to be used for the chip (MCU or MPU mode) from the [Chip Mode] list.
4. Enter the location addresses of sections, etc. in the [Add Symbol (Rom)] and [Add Symbol (Ram)]
boxes. (How to enter will be detailed later.)
5. To use external memory or a device, enter the information on it in the [Add External Memory] box.
(How to enter will be detailed later.)
Because [Disable branch optimize] for locator options has been deselected, alc88 is invoked when
building a project.
When using Locator lc88: Case 1
(Locator description files generated by the section editor are used.)
When you need not use existing locator description files, we recommend using alc88. When necessary
to use lc88, make the following settings:
1. Deselect the [Disable Making DELFEE] check box.
If this check box cannot be deselected, go to the [Locator Options] tab screen and deselect the
[Disable branch optimize] check box on it before making this setting.
2. Choose the mode to be used for the chip (MCU or MPU mode) from the [Chip Mode] list.
3. Enter a start symbol name in [Start Symbol] as necessary. (Normally, leave _START intact.)
4. Enter the location addresses of sections, etc. in the [Add Symbol (Rom)] and [Add Symbol (Ram)]
boxes. (How to enter will be detailed later.)
5. To use external memory or a device, enter the related information in the [Add External Memory]
box. (How to enter will be detailed later.)
6. Select the [Disable branch optimize] check box on the [Locator Options] tab screen.
Because [Disable branch optimize] for locator options has been selected, lc88 is invoked when build-
ing a project.
When using Locator lc88: Case 2
(Existing locator description files are used.)
To use existing locator description files as may be needed when upgrading application versions, make
the following settings:
1. Select the [Disable Making DELFEE] check box.
As a result of this setting, the [Disable branch optimize] check box for locator options is automati-
cally selected.
2. The files stored in the [Definition Files] folder will be listed in project view, so correct any locator
description file as necessary.
Because [Disable branch optimize] for locator options has been selected, lc88 is invoked when build-
ing a project.
Note: When using existing locator description files you need not enter location addresses, etc. in the
section editor. Note, however, that even in this case, an advanced locator definition file even with
incomplete content is generated (i.e., contents of locator description files are not reflected). If you
want to change for processing by alc88, therefore, be sure to correctly recreate an advanced
locator definition file.