Send SEV Rename Packets
sends a UDP packet containing the tank and block name over the
local network to the RS4, so that the RS4 can rename the data
les correctly.
Phantom Store
is selected,
Send SEV Rename Packets
is selected for you.
Use Large Buffer Size
allocates more DSP memory to buffer the data before it is transferred to
the RS4. This improves reliable when streaming very high bandwidth, high channel count data
to multiple RS4 ports. The RS4 should be updated to v1.19
rmware or above to most
effectively use this setting.
Recording Sessions
When Synapse enters Preview or Record mode, the RZ begins streaming data to the RS4. This
initiates a recording period or session on the RS4. A session is de
ned as any length of
continuous streaming data sent to an RS4 streaming port. Each streaming port on the RS4 can
initiate a session and sessions may run concurrently.
If the RS4 sees data coming into a port, it opens new
les and starts saving the raw data to
disk. The RS4 otherwise doesn't know anything about Synapse state (Idle, Preview, Record).
Synapse sends the RS4 information over the network via small UDP packets every 5 seconds.
Each packet contains the tank and block name, so that the RS4 can rename the
appropriately. Make sure the
Send SEV Rename Packets
option is enabled in Synapse.
When data is no longer streaming to the port for a period of time longer than the
Rec Stop
setting, the session is concluded and a new session will begin when a new data
stream is presented. This is set on the
. The default is 10 seconds but you may want
to shorten that to 3 seconds.
For long recording sessions, the RS4 touchscreen con
guration settings include an option to
les every
with several time options to periodically close and reopen the session.
This partitions the recording into multiple smaller data
les that may be easier to analyze if you
are doing long multi-day recordings. See
for more information.
If you aren't using TDT applications to read the data saved on the RS4, you don't need to select
Phantom Store
should select
Send SEV Rename Packets
so that the RS4 data is organized properly.
RS4 Data Streamer | 16