MVP-5200i Modero® ViewPoint® Touch Panel with Intercom - Instruction Manual
Button Commands
All commands that begin with "
" have the capability of assigning a variable text address range and button state range.
A device
must first be defined in the NetLinx programming language with values for the Device: Port: System
(in all programming
examples -
is used in place of these values).
Variable text ranges
allow you to target 1 or more variable text channels in a single command.
Button State ranges
allow you to target 1 or more states of a variable text button with a single command.
Character is used for the 'through' notation, also the "
" character is used for the 'And' notation.
When creating a Computer Control button in TPDesign, scale-to-fit may be used to scale down images, but scale-to-fit cannot
be used to scale up images displayed by the MVP-5200i.
Button Query Commands
Button Query commands reply back with a custom event. There will be one custom event for each button/state combination. Each
query is assigned a unique custom event type.
The following example is for debug purposes only:
NetLinx Example: CUSTOM_EVENT[device, Address, Custom event type]
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1001] // Text
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1002] // Bitmap
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1003] // Icon
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1004] // Text Justification
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1005] // Bitmap Justification
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1006] // Icon Justification
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1007] // Font
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1008] // Text Effect Name
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1009] // Text Effect Color
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1010] // Word Wrap
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1011] // ON state Border Color
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1012] // ON state Fill Color
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1013] // ON state Text Color
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1014] // Border Name
CUSTOM_EVENT[TP,529,1015] // Opacity
Send_String 0,"'ButtonGet Id=',ITOA(CUSTOM.ID),' Type=',ITOA(CUSTOM.TYPE)"
Send_String 0,"'Flag =',ITOA(CUSTOM.FLAG)"
Send_String 0,"'VALUE1 =',ITOA(CUSTOM.VALUE1)"
Send_String 0,"'VALUE2 =',ITOA(CUSTOM.VALUE2)"
Send_String 0,"'VALUE3 =',ITOA(CUSTOM.VALUE3)"
Send_String 0,"'TEXT =',CUSTOM.TEXT"
All custom events have the following 7 fields:
These fields are populated differently for each query command. The text length (String Encode) field is not used in any command.
These Button Commands are used in NetLinx Studio and are case insensitive:
Custom Event Fields
Uint Flag
0 means text is a standard string, 1 means Unicode encoded string
slong value1
button state number
slong value2
actual length of string (this is not encoded size)
slong value3
index of first character (usually 1 or same as optional index
string text
the text from the button
text length (string encode)
button text length
Button Commands
Run a button animation (in 1/10 second).
"'^ANI-<vt addr range>,<start state>,<end state>,<time>'"
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
start state = Beginning of button state (0= current state).
end state = End of button state.
time = In 1/10 second intervals.
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^ANI-500,1,25,100'"
Runs a button animation at text range 500 from state 1 to state 25 for 10 second.