Host Commands
Polycold Cryochiller
Circuit Configuration Commands
Installation and Operation Manual
Brooks Automation
214072 Revision B
SETPOINT_RELAY Setpoint Relay Control
“CLDST_LQD_SETPT,1,?” Get the coldest liquid temp. set point for circuit 1
RS-232, Ethernet
Get/set the External Relay 1 or Relay 2 parameters These relays are internal to
the unit and contact outputs are accessible from the 24V DI/DO interface. All
MaxCool Cryochiller models equipped with a 24V DI/DO 37-pin interface include
this feature as standard.
Defines the sensor, setpoint, and parameters for sensor monitored by each relay.
Monitor Data:
Setpoint Type
Parameter(s) SETPOINT_RELAY,[1..2],?
SETPOINT_RELAY,[1..2],[Setpoint Type],[Relay Logic],[Setpoint],[Deadband]
- Relay [1..2] = Setpoint Relay 1 or Relay 2
- Setpoint Type: Sensor to monitor
None = 0,
1 = Circuit1_FeedTemp,
2 = Circuit1_ReturnTemp,
3 = Circuit1_CoilInTemp,
4 = Circuit1_CoilOutTemp,
5 = Circuit1_ProcessCtrlTemp,
6 = Circuit1_Avg_FeedReturn,
7 = Circuit1_Avg_CoilInOut,
8 = Circuit2_FeedTemp,
9 = Circuit2_ReturnTemp,
10 = Circuit2_CoilInTemp,
11 = Circuit2_CoilOutTemp,
12 = Circuit2_ProcessCtrlTemp,
13 = Circuit2_Avg_FeedReturn,
14 = Circuit2_Avg_CoilInOut,
15 = Compressor_DischargeTemp,
16 = Customer_Option1,
17 = Customer_Option2,
18 = Customer_Option3,
19 = Customer_Option4,
20 = Discharge_Pressure,
21 = Suction_Pressure
22 = Coldest_LiquidTemp ,
23 = RefrigerantLiquid_LineTemp,
24 = Not Used,
25 = Stack_WarmerTemp,
26 = Buffer_LineTemp,