MS represents the Memory Status of the datalogger. This number indicates how many arrays
have been written to memory. If, as in the above example, it is at 8000 and WF (wrap format) =
1, then memory has been filled and it is now overwriting the oldest arrays. If it is at 8000 and
WF = 0, then the memory has been filled and logging has stopped. Figure 17 illustrates the ring
memory scheme.
Figure 17 - Order of Array Usage
OP represents the Output Position that the next array will be written to.
UP represents the User Position. This value is updated by D and P commands. The user may
display arrays from this position or reposition to another array. The last column in the data array
is the User Position.
Display nnnn arrays from the current User Position. Press any key (other than a letter or digit) to
abort the display
MS:8000 OP:3683 UP:3600
MS:8000 OP:3683 UP:3605
The format is comma delineated ASCII, identical to that displayed when the Monitor mode is
active. See Appendix D for a sample data file. See Appendix C in regards using the D command
to collect data. When the array display is finished the memory pointers are displayed.