User’s Manual Version 1.0
7.23.4 Example
prompt> voip set sigdscp 001000
User’s Manual Version 1.0
VoIP set sip digitmap
7.24.1 Syntax
voip set sip digitmap <digitmap>
This command specifies a digit map to be used for all
SIP-based VoIP calls. To vie the current digit
map settings for SIP, use the command voip show.
A digit map is a regular expression string which defines a
pattern of digits which will be recognised
by the system as a valid phone number. The digit map
can be used to specify not only the number
of digits required to make a valid phone number but also
the range of digits and special characters
which can be entered and timeout values after the digits
have been dialled.
For example, here is an example of a digit map:
This digit map defines a valid phone number as being one
of the following:
• Any digit between 1and 8 followed by any three
• A ‘#’ symbol followed by any six numbers
• A ‘*’ symbol followed by any two numbers
The Digit map can also be extended to include special call
codes such as speed dialling or last
number redial. An ‘S’ at the end of a section of a digit map
defines a special call code. For example,
in the digit map:
This digit map defines a special call code such that if ‘##’
is dialled the last number dialled from
the phone will be redialled. (For more information on the
default call codes which are built-in to the
Voice-IAD system refer to
Changing special call codes
page 70.)
In the default digit map for SIP VoIP calls, any number of
characters can be entered, until a pause
of 4 seconds is detected when all the digits entered will
then be dialled. The four second pause is
known as the inter-digit timeout.
The following table gives the range of values for each
option which can be specified with this
command and a default value (if applicable):