Series 3700 System Switch/Multimeter Reference Manual
Section 9
Instrument Control Library (ICL)
Document Number: 3700S-901-01 Rev. A / August 2007
This attribute is used to read or write to the questionable event registers.
Reading a status register returns a value. The binary equivalent of the returned
value indicates which register bits are set. The least significant bit of the binary
number is bit 0, and the most significant bit is bit 15.
For example, assume value 4352 is returned for the enable register. The binary
equivalent is 0001000100000000. This value indicates that bit B8 (CAL) and bit
B12 (OTEMP) are set.
The used bits of the questionable event registers are described as follows:
Bit B8, CAL - Set bit indicates that calibration is questionable.
Bit B12, OTEMP - Set bit indicates that an over temperature condition was
Bit B13, INST - Set bit indicates that a bit in the questionable instrument summary
register is set.
To set the OTEMP bit of the questionable enable register:
status.questionable.enable = status.questionable.OTEMP