snmp-server host <id> type <v1/v2> <ip-address> trap <community>
Sets or edits the SNMP trap receiver settings.
no snmp-server host <id>
Deletes the SNMP trap receiver settings.
Parameter name
Set the entry number of the SNMP trap receiver.
Set the type of the SNMP trap receiver.
Set the IP address of the SNMP trap receiver.
Set the community name for the SNMP trap receiver.
[Factory Default Setting]
Parameter name
Factory default setting
None. The SNMP trap receiver setting is disabled.
<v1/v2> None
<community> None
[Setting Range]
Parameter name
Setting range
1 to 10
Either "v1" or "v2"
Class A: 1.x.x.x to 126.x.x.x
Class B: 128.1.x.x to 191.254.x.x
Class C: 192.0.1.x to 223.255.254.x
1 to 32 one-byte alphanumeric characters
Parameter name
<server contact>