Watlow D4T Data Logger
Chapter 6 Appendix
For the purpose of making an easy transition from the F4 to the D4T data logger us-
ing Modbus, a special set of the most commonly used F4 registers were created. Notice
that there are two tables of Modbus registers, they are unique sets of registers (not in-
terchangeable) and the user must select one set or the other when implementing using
• Map 1 =
• Map 2 = Limited set of
To change the Modbus mapping using the D4T front panel
1. From any screen, push the
Menu button
2. Push the
Settings button and then the Network button
3. Select the
Ethernet communications channel
4. Scroll the screen down to find Data Map and select
1 or 2.
Enabling Data Logging Using Modbus
To enable data logging when using the Modbus communications protocol:
1. Load Modbus register 19038 "Log Data" with 106 (yes).
2. Write Modbus registers to the data logger.
Manually enable data logging
1. Think about and modify the following Modbus registers if need be:
- Memory Full Action, Modbus register 42350 [
Stop or Overwrite]
- File Size Limit, Modbus register 42372 [
20 MB or 1/4 of the available memory]
- Log Interval, Modbus register 42388 [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 seconds, 1, 2,
5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes]
2. Load Modbus register 42386 "Log Action" with 1782 [
3. Write Modbus registers to the data logger.
To see a full listing of data log Modbus registers and associated enumerated values, navi-
gate to the table section entitled "
Modbus Table Orientation
In the tables that follow, each page will contain a header that describes available parameters
and their associated Modbus addresses. Further explanation can be found below. When en-
countered throughout this document, the word "default" implies as shipped from the factory.
Parameter Name - i
dentifies the member name within a particular function.
Range -
Defines options available for this prompt, i.e., min/max values (numerical), yes/no,
etc... (further explanation below).
Default -
Values as delivered from the factory.
Data Type and Access (R/W) -
Unsigned 16 bit integer, Signed 32-bit, long, string = ASCII (8
bits per character), float = IEEE 754 32-bit, RW = Readable, Writable
Modbus Relative Address -
Identifies unique parameters addresses using either the Modbus
RTU or Modbus TCP protocols (further explanation below).