cause this bit to be set. This interrupt bit is an edge-triggered event and will be cleared following a read
of this register.
If this bit is set, indicating a SRC state change condition, and the SRCLockM bit is set, the INT pin will go
active. To determine the current lock state of the SRC, read the SRCLockSt bit in the interrupt status reg-
ADC Overflow Interrupt (ADCOvfl)
This bit is read only. When set, indicates that an over-range condition occurred anywhere in the CS4525
ADC signal path and has been clipped to positive or negative full scale as appropriate since the last read
of this register. This interrupt bit is an edge-triggered event and will be cleared following a read of this
If this bit is set, indicating an ADC over-range condition, and the ADCOvflM bit is set, the INT pin will go
active. To determine the current overflow state of the ADC, read the ADCOvflSt bit in the interrupt status
Channel Overflow Interrupt (ChOvfl)
This bit is read only. When set, indicates that the magnitude of an output sample on channel 1, 2, or the
Sub channel has exceeded full scale and has been clipped to positive or negative full scale as appropriate
since the last read of this register. This interrupt bit is an edge-triggered event and will be cleared following
a read of this register.
If this bit is set, indicating a channel over-range condition, and the ChOvflM bit is set, the INT pin will go
active. To determine the current overflow state of each channel, read the ChXOvflSt and SubOvflSt bits
in the interrupt status register.
Amplifier Error Interrupt Bit (AmpErr)
This bit is read only. When set, indicates that an error was detected in the power amplifier section since
the last read of this register. This interrupt bit is an edge-triggered event and will be cleared following a
read of this register. This bit is the logical OR of all the bits in the amplifier error status register. Read the
amplifier error status register to determine which condition occurred.
SRCLock Setting
SRC Lock State Change Status
0 .......................................... SRC lock state unchanged since last read of this register.
1 .......................................... SRC lock state changed since last read of this register.
ADCOvfl Setting
ADC Overflow Event Status
0 .......................................... ADC overflow condition has not occurred since last read of this register.
1 .......................................... ADC overflow condition has occurred since last read of this register.
ChOvfl Setting
Channel Overflow Event Status
0 .......................................... A channel overflow condition has not occurred since last read of this register.
1 .......................................... A channel overflow condition has occurred since last read of this register.