XC2200 Derivatives
System Units (Vol. 1 of 2)
Memory Organization
User’s Manual
V2.1, 2008-08
MemoryX2K, V1.3
Data Reads from Flash Memory
Data reads are issued by the DMU. Data is always requested in 16-bit words. The flash
memory delivers for every read request 128 bits plus ECC as described in
Fetch from Flash Memory” on Page 3-22
The IMB Core has to get all 128 bits to evaluate the ECC data. The requested 16 bits will
be delivered to the DMU. All data and ECC bits are kept in the data register and their
address is kept in the address register. For all following data reads the address is
compared with the address register and in case of a match the data is delivered after one
cycle from the data register. Every data read that is not delivered from this cache
invalidates the cache content. When the requested data arrives the cache contains again
valid data.
This small data cache is invalidated when a write (i.e. erase or program) access to this
address happens.
For data reads the IMB Core does not perform any autonomous pre-fetching.
Data Writes to Flash Memory
Flash memory content can not be changed by directly writing data to this memory.
Command sequences are used to execute all other operations in the flash except
reading. Command sequences consist of data writes with certain data to the flash
memory address range. All data moves targeting this range are interpreted as command
sequences. If they do not match a defined one or if the IMB Core is busy with executing
a sequence (i.e. it is in “command mode”) a sequence error is reported.