5.2 SMS commands
Command in case of incoming SMS:
Module password entering for authentication.
‘PWD’ has to be
replaced with the password, added by entering a phone number.
Hardware ID query from module.
Setting up the module APN. ‘NAME has to be replaced with access
point name, while ‘USER’ and ‘PASSWORD’ has to be replaced
with the user name and password belonging to that access point
(e.g.: *APN=internet,[installer],[appletree]# ). User and password
are optional, in case of public APN, it is not necessary to be
Partition disarming. ‘X’ has to be replaced with the number of
partition, wished to be disarmed (e.g.: *P1=0#).
Partition arming. ‘X’ has to be replaced with the number of partition,
wished to be armed (e.g.: *P2=1#).
Relay status setting in bistabil mode. ‘X’ has to be replaced with the
number of the relay, wished to be controlled, while ‘Y’ has to be
replaced with 1 if you wish to close and 0 if you wish to open the
relay (e.g.: *R1=1#).
Relay status setting in monostabil mode. ‘X’ has to be replaced with
the number of the relay, wished to be controlled, while ‘Z’ has to be
filled up with the time period in seconds, in which the relay wished
to stay closed (e.g.: *R1=130#).
Status report query from module. You will receive a similar list in a
reply SMS:
STATUS: U=12.21; S=-72dBm (56%); P1: 1; P2: 0; Z1: 1; Z2: 1; T3:
25; I4: N/A; R1: 1; R2: 0; TIME (UTC): 2017-01-01 12:00:00;
Here, U is voltage, S is field strength, P1-P2 are partitions, Z1-Z2
are zone-defined inputs, T3 is a temperature sensor input, I4 is an
undefined input, R1-R2 show relay status. Besides this, the module
time can be read as well.
Module reboot.
Rely SMS query about the fulfilment
of the above command. ‘XXX’
has to be replaced with that command, about which you want to
receive the reply SMS (e.g.: *R1=1#, CRQ#).
You can send more commands in one SMS, these commands have to be written without space
in an SMS after each other, * and # have separating function, framing the command.