DragonWave Inc.
Horizon Compact Plus Release 1.0.1
Wireless Ethernet Product User Manual
– Volume 2
CLI Command
get aam eoam option
displays eoam msg option for aam.
get aam link monitor parameters
aam link monitor parameters
get aam status
returns Automated Adaptive Modulation(aam) status
either on or off. Default is 'off'.
get alarms
returns alarms present in the system.
get alarms counter
returns timestamped alarms present in the system.
get alignment
returns the Horizon alignment status(On|Off).
get antenna diameter
returns the antenna's diameter.
get atpc status
returns the atpc status(On/Off).
get authenticated peer
returns SN with which system has commenced
communications with.
get backup ipconfig
returns IP Configuration Parameters stored as backup.
get bandwidth record admin
returns the bandwidth recording admin status as either
'on' or 'off'
get bandwidth record average period
returns the number of seconds configured for computing
the running average bandwidth utilization.
get bandwidth record brief
returns the brief contents of all bandwidth records saved
in flash.
get bandwidth record current
returns the contents of the active bandwidth record (has
not been saved to flash yet).
get bandwidth record instance[0-59]
returns the contents of the specified bandwidth record
from flash. If no record is specified, then return all records.
0 is always the newest record and higher record numbers
refer to older records.
get bandwidth record logging
returns the bandwidth recording status of logging to flash
and syslog as either 'on' or 'off'
get bandwidth record reporting period
returns the number of seconds configured for bandwidth
reporting period.
get bandwidth record thresholds
returns ten bandwidth utilizations thresholds used to for
counting bandwidth utilization measurements.
get bandwidth record verbose
returns the verbose contents of all bandwidth records
saved in flash.
get bandwidth utilization status
returns the current bandwidth utilization and throughput.
get bandwidth utilization threshold
returns the % utilization of bandwidth threshold.
get config commands
displays system configuration commands and their
associated values set in the system.
get cos default value
displays the 802.1p priority assigned to untagged packets.
get cos ecfm flow mapping
returns the current status of the ecfm flow mapping [on|off
and queue]
get cos expedite queue
get the expedite queue mode.