RP6 ROBOT SYSTEM - 3. Hardware and Software Setup
3.2.4. Java 6
The RobotLoader (see below for more information about it) has been designed for the
Java environment and may be used in Windows and Linux (in theory, other operating
systems such as OS X should work as well, but unfortunately we do not support this
so far). In order to run RobotLoader, you have to install a recent Java Runtime Envir-
onment (JRE). Maybe you already have it installed on your computer, but it should be
at least Version 1.6 (= Java 6)! If you have not installed a recent JRE or JDK yet,
please install SUN Microsystems (now Oracle) JRE 1.6 from the supplied CD or altern-
atively obtain a more recent version from the websites
Or now from Oracle:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/ Windows
In a Windows environment, the JRE 1.6 is located in the directory:
Under Windows the Java installation is quite simple – just start the Setup and follow
the instructions – done! You can skip the next section. Linux
Most of the time installing Java in Linux environments is as easy as with Windows, but
some distributions may require some manual work.
You can find the JRE6 as RPM (SuSE, RedHat etc.) and as a self-extracting archive
“.bin” in this directory:
We advice you to search Java packages with the help of the specific distribution's
package manager (search for “java”, “sun”, “jre” or “java6” ...) and to use these pack-
ages instead of the supplied ones on the CD! Please make sure that you install at least
Java 6 (= JRE 1.6) or a newer version!
For Ubuntu or Debian the RPM Archiv will not be working anyway – here you have to
use the package manager of your distribution. Other distributors like RedHat/Fedora,
SuSE and others can use RPM if you can not use their package manager.
If the installation is not successful, you may still try to extract the JRE from the self
extracting archive (.bin) in a directory on your hard disk (e.g. /usr/lib/Java6) and then
set the JRE paths manually (PATH and JAVA_HOME etc.).
Please follow Sun's installation instructions, which can be found in the previously men-
tioned directory and on the Java Website!
To verify that everything works properly, please execute the command “
java -ver-
. The response should look like this:
java version "1.6.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)
If the response is different, your may have installed be obsolete or you may be run-
ning another Java VM at your system in parallel.
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