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1.3 Terminology
The following table gives definition of terms used in this manual.
A standard element that has a specified function which configures
the system. Devices such as I/O board, which inserted onto the
mother board or base unit.
CPU module
Power Supply module
I/O module
PLC system
A system which consists of the PLC and peripheral devices. A user
program can control the system.
Cold Restart
To restart the PLC system and user programs after all of the
data(Variables and programs of I/O image area, of internal register,
of timer of counter) were set to the specified conditions
automatically or manually.
Warm Restart
In the warm restart mode, The power supply Off occurrence will be
informed to the user program and the PLC system restarts with the
previous user-defined data and user program after the power
supply Off.
I/O Image Area
Internal memory area of the CPU module which used to hold I/O
Watch Dog Timer
Supervisors the pre-set execution times of programs and warns if a
program is not completed within the pre-set time.
Operation Unit which outputs immediately its operation result of an
input, while four arithmetic operations comparison operation store
their results in the inside of instructions.
Function Block
Operation Units which store operation result in the inside of
instruction such as timer and counter and use the operation results
which have been stored through many scans.
Variables used after the user’s definition of their names and types.
Declarations as ‘INPUT_0’ = %IX0.0.2, ‘RESULT = %MD1234’
makes INPUT_0 and RESULT be able to used instead of %IX0.0.2
and %MD123 in programming.
A peripheral device for the GLOFA-GM series. It executes program
creation, edit, compile and debugging.
Abbreviation of the word ‘Factory Automation Monitoring S/W’. It is
used to call S/W packages for process supervision.
It means startup conditions for a program. There are three types of
periodic task, internal contact task and external contact task
which starts by the input signals of external input modules.