Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
122 / 156
This command is used to set arbitrary wave play mode switch of the specified channel.
ON represents output with original data; OFF represents it can output by extract point.
<n>: channel number, n take value from 1, 2.
Return format
Query returns arbitrary wave play mode switch status of the specified channel. 0 represents OFF, 1
represents ON.
For example
Set channel 1 arbitray wave play with original data.
Query returns 1.
WARB Command
This command is used to write arbitrary wave file instruction, which including write configuration of fundamental
arbitrary wave and modulating arbitrary wave.
Command format
AWG:WARB<n>:MODulate <arb file>
Functional description
This command is used to write modulating arbitrary wave, the maximum wave data is 8k points. Send this
instruction first and then send arbitrary wave file data to signal source.
<arb file> represents arbitrary wave data. This instruction is only support .bsv format data.
For example
Write channel 1 modulating arbitrary wave file.
Command format
AWG:WARB<n>:CARRier <arb file>
Functional description
This command is used to write fundamental arbitrary wave, the maximum wave data is 8k points. Send this
instruction first and then send arbitrary wave file data to signal source.
<arb file> represents arbitrary wave data. This instruction is only support .bsv format data.
For example
Write channel 1 fundamental arbitrary wave file.
LA Command
This command is used to operate digital channel.