Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
78 / 156
Command format
Functional description
Query returns the waveform configuration parameter of the current system.
Return format
Query returns sparated by comma“,”.
Return data format: Format, Type, Points, Count, Xinc, Xor, Xref, Yinc, Yor, Yref.
Format: BYTE (0), WORD (1), ASCII (2).
Type: NORMAL (0), PEAK (1), AVER (2), ENVelope (3), HRESolution (4).
Points: Waveform data point need to be returned.
Count: As average time in average sampling, as 1 in other mode.
Xinc: The time difference between in two point of waveform data source in X direction.
Xor: The relative time of trigger point.
Xref: X reference.
Yinc: Unit of voltage in Y direction.
Yor: Y direction relative to Zero position of YREF.
Yref: Reference value in Y direction, channel zero level ADC value.
For example
Return 1,0,0,1,8.000e-009,-6.000e-006,0,4.000e-002,0.000e000,100
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to query time interval between two adjacent points of the currently selected channel
source in X direction.
Returned value is related to the current data reading mode.
In NORMal mode, XINCrement=TimeScale/waveform point of time scale in horizontal poistion (50).
In RAW mode, XINCrement=1/SampleRate
Return format
Query returns number of timebase, unit is s.
For example
Query returns 3.000e-003.
Command format
Functional description
This command is used to query the start time of waveform data of the currently selected channel source in
X direction.